How do I put
Stunning piece of music there, you've certainly captured the triumphant feel you wanted! Now I deliberately didn't listen to the first one so I could hear the merits of the improved version.
On the whole, it is superb, but I felt that at points there was a little much going on at once where the polyphony or the main melody didn't come to the fore and was obscured by the grandness of the rest of the piece. The flute is a lovely instrument as a first melodic line, but it is not a particularly strong sound, and is masked quite easily I find by brass and strings. Had you considered pairing the flute up with another instrument to combine their timbres, like say oboe or clarinet, to help the main melody along? It's a shame I didn't see this earlier, I could have had input too!
Don't get me worng; this is a wonderful piece and I wish I'd written it (face turns slightly green :P). I would like to hear more of this from you in the future; whatever you do don't stop!