And they partied like it was 1899...
A God. You are a pianistic God. Maybe not quite 1899 but it does have that turn of the century Eric Satie feel to it.
And they partied like it was 1899...
A God. You are a pianistic God. Maybe not quite 1899 but it does have that turn of the century Eric Satie feel to it.
The devil may cry indeed...
I've never played it but I imagine hte music to be like this. It seems like it's going somewhere amazing; the tension is almost tangible. Good stuff!
It's a shame it is bad midi.
Were this using a good bit of software it would be lovely; you'd be able to express so much more. As it is the music seems very flat, and the way it plays the music could do with more dynamic variance. The music box sound is a nice touch for a variation, but overall it was somewhat, erm...I dont know but something was missing. Good job though.
Way to use those power chords!
This is why newgrounds needs a "film" genre; it isn't classical (much like mine isn't), but lumping it in the misc. genre wouldn't work. The levels seem somewhat peculiar; there are parts that could have been brought up or down throughout, in particular the piano, which I thought was a little too strong. The actual notes etc is fantastic; go end credits, go!
Must, crush, capitalism...
Sounds like a neo-Russian symphony movement! The feeling you managed to coax from those strings is amazing.
Well then...
...when does Chuck Norris come and kick the crap out of me? Feels like I'm going to get gunned down if I'm caught running! I'd rather take the roundhouse kick...apologies for the obscurity.
On a somewhat more coherant note; you never fail to disappoint. I don't know about darks lords rising, but I certainly see a horde of Universal Soldiers. Sorry for the bad reference, but imagine for a moment the film was great, then your music will be comparible. The snare drum is excellent, and the unsubtle harmonies in places add to the pressing will of the bomb :).
That's some evil fairy music
The arpeggiated synth makes it sound like an ethereal forest scene. So it might not have turned out the way you wanted it to, but some of the best things happen that way, and this is really good. I think it works well, I see glowing wisps flitting between the trees, enticing you in. To your doom! I'm just waiting for the tonal change where the wisps lead you down a forbidden path and the forest turns upon its intruder. I'm probably not the first to say you've a lot of talented bones in your body.
:P oh how I wish I had reviews before I wrote stuff... o the ideas I'd have :). Oh well... Fairies... leading you to your doom... hmmm... why didn't I think of... bah... haha thanx :)
I couldn't even remember this one...
Makes it all the better when you hear it again. Funny really, but when I first heard it I though it was good, but after listeneing to it 3-4 times I liked it even more. I really like the Megaman music, particularly the X series. Makes me want to have a stab at some more. I've done toxic seahorse on Cakewalk, I think i'll have to update it to Garageband now after hearing your versions and helping me bring back some memories of great music. Good work again!
Lol, i got scared for a minute. I thought your were going to say that after listening to it 3-4 times that you got tired or bored :D I'm glad that's not the case.
You've done the Toxic Seahorse song from X3? Well then submit away please. I'll do some more mega man in the futur as well. I just can't get enough of it.
Thanks for reviewing.
How do I put
Stunning piece of music there, you've certainly captured the triumphant feel you wanted! Now I deliberately didn't listen to the first one so I could hear the merits of the improved version.
On the whole, it is superb, but I felt that at points there was a little much going on at once where the polyphony or the main melody didn't come to the fore and was obscured by the grandness of the rest of the piece. The flute is a lovely instrument as a first melodic line, but it is not a particularly strong sound, and is masked quite easily I find by brass and strings. Had you considered pairing the flute up with another instrument to combine their timbres, like say oboe or clarinet, to help the main melody along? It's a shame I didn't see this earlier, I could have had input too!
Don't get me worng; this is a wonderful piece and I wish I'd written it (face turns slightly green :P). I would like to hear more of this from you in the future; whatever you do don't stop!
Thanks for your review! :)
You're right about some instuments being obscured by the strings or brass. If I get this published, I will repair the flute with a different insturment. :D (I'm just more prone to woodwinds because I am a woodwind! :D)
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